Municipal Finance : An Assessment of Eastern Cape's Capacity in Action di Thembisa Kakaza edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Municipal Finance : An Assessment of Eastern Cape's Capacity in Action

An Assessment Of Eastern Cape's Capacity In Action





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Municipalities are closest to the people and they are governments¿ arm to ensure that services reach the people they were meant for. In order to achieve that municipalities need to have certain capacities and structures that enable them to generate cash and other resources which will allow for effective use of government allocation to the municipality. The earlier chapters of the book outline how municipal finance management is practiced in other countries and how municipal finance managers are organised professionally. The book also outlines municipal strategies to generate cash resources to sustain the areas under the respective municipal jurisdictions. The publication followed the form of a research project. It was conducted using an in-depth questionnaire targeted specifically at Municipal Managers and Chief Financial Officers. The results of the study are offered in graphical presentation. Although the research was conducted in a South African context, the issues dealt with bear similarity with happenings in other countries. This makes the work a valuable reference point for students and practicing professionals likewise.

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