Multi-Skilling in the Five-Star Hotel Industry in Taiwan di Li-Cheng Chen edito da LAP Lambert Acad. Publ.
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Multi-Skilling in the Five-Star Hotel Industry in Taiwan

The Exploratory Research of Multi-Skilling on the departments of Front Office, Restaurant, and Housekeeping





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Descrizione Multi-Skilling in the Five-Star Hotel Industry in Taiwan

Multi-skilling for front-line managers in hotels in Taiwan is the main focus of this book. The literature suggests that multi-skilling addresses two industrial problems in Taiwan; the shortage of qualified workers and the high turnover rate of staff in the five-star hotel industry. Both factors have negatively impacted on the productivity and performance of five-star hotels in Taiwan, as a high level of service delivery cannot be sustained by inexperienced staff in accordance with a service profit chain model. In addition, as multi-skilling enhances an employee''s knowledge, skills and abilities, this has an effect on attitude and the attitude of an employee determines the output of service performance in relation to tasks assigned. Therefore, the aim of this book is to examine whether multi-skilling exists and the beneficial factors of multi-skilling for five-star hotels in Taiwan.

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