Mrs. Miller's Magic Blankets di Virginia Mohler edito da Covenant Books
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Mrs. Miller's Magic Blankets





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Descrizione Mrs. Miller's Magic Blankets

Author, Virginia Mohler, tells the story of a loving kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Miller teaches five-year-olds during the day. At night she sits at home and knits blankets for new babies. She gives these blankets to her student's siblings, families at her church, and to her coworkers. As she knits these blankets, she instills her own love and care for these children that she has yet to meet. From many years of teaching, Mrs. Miller has discovered three important things that these children need to know. These attributes will come back to her after her retirement in the form of a very special blanket. You must read Mrs. Miller's Magic Blankets to find out why these blankets are so magical.

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