Mrs. Claus Saves Christmas Day di Rachel McDaniel edito da INDEPENDENT CAT
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Mrs. Claus Saves Christmas Day



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Descrizione Mrs. Claus Saves Christmas Day

When Santa falls sick on Christmas Eve, it's up to Mrs. Claus to help. Mrs. Claus Saves Christmas Day is a cheerful children's picture book. It's filled with vibrant, whimsical illustrations and joyful rhymes that take young readers on an enchanting journey with Mrs. Claus. In this story, Mrs. Claus becomes the unexpected hero, setting out to save the holiday in her own extraordinary way. The book invites children to follow along as Mrs. Claus guides Santa's sleigh on this critical and magical evening. Will she manage to deliver all of Santa's presents and keep the Christmas spirit alive? This tale unfolds with excitement and charm, highlighting the importance of bravery and love in the spirit of the holiday season.

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