Mr. Mouthful Learns His Lesson di Joseph Kimble edito da Iguana Books
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Mr. Mouthful Learns His Lesson


Iguana Books





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Descrizione Mr. Mouthful Learns His Lesson

Trade professionals describe this book as "unique," "lyrical," "funny," and "wonderfully absurd"-with a "memorable" lead character. Mr. Mouthful is a windbag whose highfalutin talk causes trouble and confusion for kids. But he learns his lesson when a little girl wanders off a dock, falls into the water, and needs to be rescued-fast. Kids will laugh at the antics of Mr. Mouthful and his monkey, Dupree. They will learn some new words. And they will love the jaunty illustrations of Kerry Bell. Joseph Kimble is a distinguished professor emeritus at Western Michigan University-Cooley Law School. He taught legal writing for 35 years and has won several national and international awards for his work in promoting plain language in public communication. Special offer! The author will inscribe and mail a colorful bookplate, designed by the illustrator, to complement the book, to buyers who contact him through the book's website -- (Or just Google the book's title.) It's 4 by 5, has a peel-off backing, and fits nicely inside the front cover. You can find the bookplate under The Book tab of the website.

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