MOZI Your Way to Mindfulness: A Simple Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Stress Management di Teri Leigh edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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MOZI Your Way to Mindfulness: A Simple Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Stress Management





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Descrizione MOZI Your Way to Mindfulness: A Simple Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Stress Management

This book was previously titled MOZI Your Way to Muchness. The easiest and most effective method of stress management through mindfulness When stress happens, your nervous system and hormone balance are compromised, impacting your overall quality of life and your ability to live mindfully. Yoga and meditation are clinically proven to reduce stress, reset the nervous system, and balance your hormones, but who has time for that when you're stressed NOW! The MOZI Method teaches simple body-mind-spirit exercises you can do at the moment stress arises, rest your nervous system instantly, and feel relief right now. When practiced several times a day, attached to every day habits like washing your hands or brushing your teeth, MOZI Method provides effective, lasting, and sustainable changes. This book offers six simple mindfulness MOZI Method exercises: Focused Breathing Stand Your Ground Go With the Flow Access Your Strength Relate to Others Speak Your Mind

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