Moving Mountains: The Journey of Transformation di Rev Dr Raymont L. Anderson edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Moving Mountains: The Journey of Transformation

The Journey of Transformation







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Descrizione Moving Mountains: The Journey of Transformation

In life, everyone at some time or another will experience what is commonly referred to as problems. Moving Mountains is a manual of sorts to assist people in the removal of life's problems. This removal process occurs by first looking at some commonly held beliefs and ideas held by our society. Secondly this removal occurs by realizing that a shift in perception is needed. As the reader continues to read and walk through the journey laid out in the pages of the book the task of noticing and in time changing existing paradigms will become the number one mission. This mission allows the reader to realize that the mountains in life (problems, challenges, issues and traumas) are blessings that can be used as stepping stones to greater awareness and increase one's ability to live a sacred life. The book guides the reader through the process of personal transformation by challenging what is believed and what the reader feels is known with various ideas and concepts that the author has found over years of study to be of immeasurable value and use, so that the mountains can be moved just as Jesus the Christ said in Matthew 17:20, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

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