Motion Control and Automation Systems Employed in Manufacturing di Norbert Edomah edito da GRIN Verlag
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Motion Control and Automation Systems Employed in Manufacturing


GRIN Verlag





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Master's Thesis from the year 2010 in the subject Electrotechnology, ( Atlantic International University ) (School of Science and Engineering), course: Systems Engineering, language: English, abstract: Motion control has emerged as one of the most dynamic technologies in manufacturing. The current shift from mechanical control systems towards electronic servo control systems promises to increase process speeds by 50% or more, depending on application. The transfer and assembly lines have had a powerful impact in automating our factories with the primary goal of reduction of labour content while holding on to the financial justification labelled as economy of scale. Motion controllers are components that range from ON/OFF devices with simple linear controllers to complex, user programmable modules that act as controllers within complex integrated multi-axis motion systems. Applications include all types of industrial processing, packaging, and machining/forming operations. This thesis will focus on analysis of basic motion control theory, sensors and actuators used in motion control, adapting fieldbus technology in motion control systems, and developments, trends and application of motion control technology in different engineering disciplines.

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