The Motherland di Gazmend Kryeziu edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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The Motherland





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Descrizione The Motherland

Dive into a tapestry of history and imagination, where facts and fiction intertwine to paint a vivid portrait of ancient Albania and its journey through time. From the tales of ancient heroes to the poignant memories of the 1999 Kosovo war, this collection of poetry is a testament to the rich tapestry of Albanian culture and history. Crafted with passion and finesse, each poem is a mosaic of emotions, touching on themes of love, nostalgia, society, and the deep-rooted connection to the motherland. The language is lush and evocative, weaving philosophical musings with vibrant imagery. Readers will find themselves immersed in a world of metaphors, analogies, rhetorical questions, and other literary devices that enrich the narrative. From miniature tales that capture moments in time to contemporary reflections, the rhythmic cadence of the poems adds a melodic touch, making each verse resonate with expressive musicality. Experience Albania's soul through this captivating poetic journey.

Spedizione GRATUITA sopra € 25
€ 9.27
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