Most Vulnerable Children in Less Developed Countries di Tekla Paul edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Most Vulnerable Children in Less Developed Countries

who are most vulnerable children?





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Voice of vulnerable children. can any one hear them?This book assess the roles played by different organizations to Most Vulnerable Children.PLAN International organization is the organization selected as the case study to MVC. The organization seems to plays its party like, provision of education program, health program, WATSAN, Livelihood program and other social services but further support still needed to this group. Tanzania as among the less developed countries it represents other developing countries, after research work which was conducted in coastal region-kisarawe district. True situation realize that this group face difficulties in the rest of their life. This is due to some factors like, death of parent /care giver, live without adequate adult support,family violence, disabilities and laziness affair. Also lack of commitment and humanity from social groups since there is failure to address the effort to these children. In a nutshell this book wants to see that most vulnerable children receive best attention so as they can also enjoy the available opportunities and become party of the community working for the betterment of the national and the world as a whole.

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