Morning and Evening di Charles H. Spurgeon edito da WHITAKER HOUSE
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Morning and Evening





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Descrizione Morning and Evening

"But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night...and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."--Psalm 1:2-3Charles Spurgeon's uplifting messages for each day of the year will comfort and refresh you in your walk with God. Spending time with God at the start and the close of each day will bring a new joy in your life. Supplemented by key verses of Scripture, these devotional passages will help you to...* Experience God's free favor* Abide in the presence of God* Obtain victory through Christ* Receive help through every trial* Develop a powerful prayer life* Have every need met by God* Discover God's directionAs you reflect upon God's Word and His principles, you will find peace about the day you are about to face or the day that has just passed. Spurgeon's rich biblical insights, extraordinary eloquence, and clarity of logic are interwoven throughout the daily selections to enhance your fellowship with God.

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