More Than a Numbers Game di King edito da John Wiley & Sons
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More Than a Numbers Game

A Brief History Of Accounting





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Praise for MORE THAN A NUMBERS GAME "More Than a Numbers Game is a revelatory history of how accounting conventions have shaped business reality, for good and ill." --Justin Fox, Editor at Large, Fortune > --Dennis R. Beresford, Ernst & Young Executive Professor of Accounting, The University of Georgia, and former chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (1987-97) "More Than a Numbers Game is a must-read for accounting students looking for a supplement to traditional textbooks. It offers a business perspective to accounting, providing readers with a holistic overview of taxes, cost accounting, regulation, as well as more traditional financial reporting topics." --Philip A. Laskawy, retired chairman and CEO, Ernst & Young > --Louis M. Thompson Jr., President and CEO, National Investor Relations Institute > --Jeff Joerres, Chairman and CEO, Manpower Inc. > --John C. Bogle, founder, The Vanguard Group, and author, The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism

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