Morbid Obesity and the Struggle for Survival di Eduardo Chapunoff edito da iUniverse
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Morbid Obesity and the Struggle for Survival







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Descrizione Morbid Obesity and the Struggle for Survival

MORBID OBESITY AND THE STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL Back Cover Following the style of his previous books, informative, educational, entertaining, and bold, Dr. Eduardo Chapunoff takes us this time into the complex world of the morbidly obese. This work describes "how and why" the cardiovascular and other systems become affected by excessive weights. His own simple, schematic illustrations will help you to understand the mechanisms responsible for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, strokes, cardiac rhythm disturbances, sleep apnea, and many other conditions, including sudden death. Major treatment decisions are facilitated by Dr. Chapunoff down-to-earth explanations. Also addressed here is the unfairness and ineffectiveness of some Insurance Corporations in covering the costs of weight-loss surgery. For many of those who read this book - patients, as well as Health Care practitioners or undergraduates - concepts and notions about morbid obesity and what this condition is all about, will never be the same.

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