All Moons Are Not Alike: Heart Tales of Two Lands edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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All Moons Are Not Alike: Heart Tales of Two Lands





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Descrizione All Moons Are Not Alike: Heart Tales of Two Lands

An authentic original collection of visions and carved etchings gathered from the depths of my soul. This poetry has profound Catalan, Latin American and American roots, but as effective evocative poetry does, its language speaks as one connective human voice, which has no indelible frontiers, nor barriers. My poetry is an homage to the English Language. My verses endorse the notion that our complex relationship with the Earth and with one another, as well as our preoccupation about our mortality, can be examined with ideas and feelings put into powerful words . The subjects of and about race, immigration, displacement, lost childhood, compassion and ultimately redemptive yearning and hope echoes our perception of who we are and describes our final apocryphal destiny. Connect with it, share a few tears and laughs. Discover yourself!

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