Mooney and Spacee and the Tree o' Wishes di Glenn Morley edito da Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
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Mooney and Spacee and the Tree o' Wishes

A Very Very Scary Story With An Evil Giant, Lots Of Hungry Monsters And Other Ludicrous Stuff





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Descrizione Mooney and Spacee and the Tree o' Wishes

What would you do if you were lost in an alien land full of danger, lies, stupidity, duplicity, insanely clever traps, ravenous apex-predators and, to top it all off, the legendarily sarcastic child-eating, mushroom-scoffing, poetry-reciting ogre called Borborygm (the scariest monster ever invented in literature) ... and then you find everything in this land wants to eat you too? You'd try and find a way to get back home, right? This is exactly the situation that Mooney and Spacee have found themselves in. There's just one hope: Steal the Tree o' Wishes. It's all very simple really. Except Borborygm has it. 'I devoured War and Peace but this is so much better. Shorter too.' Jillian (15 years) '...a heart-rending, mind-cracking, sanity-pounding tour de force.' Leanne (11 years) 'I loved the swearing.' Darlene (9 years) 'Don't buy this book.' Darlene's mum

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