The Moon of Twilight di Carl F. Robinson edito da iUniverse
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The Moon of Twilight







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Descrizione The Moon of Twilight

Harold lives on Illissos, a far away world where most of the time it is never really day, and never really night. In this place it is twilight, and hard to really see things clearly. In this twilight, a dangerous creature called Bavianer can attack. Sometimes they attack in swarms so big that all must flee to safety behind the city walls. Normally these sieges are small and easily defeated by horsemen in the brief hours of daylight, but this siege is different and Harold is needed to get help. Harold must travel through the twilight to get help, and the journey is not easy. Along the way Harold comes of age and his mission allows him to explore the nature of conflict, different religious philosophies, and human courage. Carl Robinson has done something new and important. Moon of Twilight is young adult fiction written from a race-realist perspective. While this story takes place in a darkened off-world, its dramatic situations evoke the twilight conflicts of race, religion -- and even sexuality -- in the here and now. Forget about werewolves and wizards; when you put this book down you will see our world in a whole new light. -- James O'Meara, author of The Eldritch Evola . . . & Others: Traditionalist Meditations on Literature, Art, & Culture

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