A Monumental Journey 2 di Richard L Cederberg edito da AuthorHouse
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A Monumental Journey 2

In search of the First Tribe







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Descrizione A Monumental Journey 2

Just before 1470 a religious split occurred between two of the foremost Northern Viking tribes, the Rognvald's, who accepted Christianity, and the Baaldurs, who chose to practice the antediluvian blood witchcrafts. For years violent wars ensued, taking thousands of lives on both sides. After the Rognvalds had endured enough bloodshed, the chosen of the First Nation departed their homes in the Orkney Islands and Northern Scotland aboard fifteen, ninety-five foot wooden vessels, to find another home in distant lands. Five hundred and forty-two years later For months the Heimdall crew has been pursuing the original Rognvald route towards America's western shores. Sixty-seven days after departing Flores Island in Europe's westernmost waters, they've finally arrived at the mysterious Isla Socorro in the Revillagigedo Archipelagoes. In this second novel they continue their spirited search for the First Tribe. They resolve a conundrum about Gamelin's Tempest sword, they discover warrior descendants from the original Viking voyage, they encounter the supreme Mortiken leader, Amalek Baaldur, and the witch, Krystal Blackeyes, they expose a shocking deception concerning King Agar's son Magnus and the ancient assembly of Troth, and the crew's ongoing struggle against a ruthless enemy continues challenging them beyond their abilities.

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