Monthly and Weekly Planner with Habit Tracker di Arinola Araba edito da
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Monthly and Weekly Planner with Habit Tracker

Creative Undated 12 Month Planner and Habit Tracker






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Descrizione Monthly and Weekly Planner with Habit Tracker

Do you ask questions like: What am I supposed to be doing today? How do I know I have lost weight? How close am I to reaching that goal? How can I track my progress? I have a simple tool to present to you. I present a stunning undated, 6 x 9 inch, Monthly and Weekly planner with Habit Tracker pages to last the year. Write in the month and week dates as you wish. The pages feature weekly smart goals and task lists with extra space for notes. Each week is split into 2 sections, one for listing appointments and the other for managing tasks and goal lists. This innovative structure has room to enter times, appointments and plans in detail. Organise your smaller tasks with weekly to-do lists and note boxes; to spotlight the crucial tasks. Keep track of your habits with the undated circular wheel planner with a note area. Be on time and organised for all your appointments with this cleverly designed diary and planner!

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