Monitoring of Cerebral and Spinal Hemodynamic During Neurosurgery edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Monitoring of Cerebral and Spinal Hemodynamic During Neurosurgery





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Descrizione Monitoring of Cerebral and Spinal Hemodynamic During Neurosurgery

Monitoring of Cerebral and Spinal Haemodynamics During Neurosurgery is a comprehensive description of subdural monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) during neurosurgery. It offers thorough analysis of a comprehensive database consisting of measurements of ICP, cerebral perfusion pressure and other relevant physiological data from more than 1,800 patients subjected to intracranial surgery at Aarhus University Hospital. Features of anaesthesia, both inhalation and total intravenous, are discussed, and measures to reduce ICP are described. A majority of the patients had supratentorial tumours, but the database also includes patients with infratentorial tumours and patients with no intracranial space-occupying lesions. A chapter is reserved for discussion of the special features of children with cerebral tumours.

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