Monism as Connecting Religion and Science, and Life and Matter (a Criticism of Professor Haeckel's Riddle of the Univers di Ernst Heinrich Philip Haeckel, Oliver Lodge edito da Benediction Classics
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Monism as Connecting Religion and Science, and Life and Matter (a Criticism of Professor Haeckel's Riddle of the Univers





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Descrizione Monism as Connecting Religion and Science, and Life and Matter (a Criticism of Professor Haeckel's Riddle of the Univers

"Monism as Connecting Religion and Science" explores the theory of metaphysics and theology, maintaining that there is but one reality, namely, matter, whether matter be an agglomerate of atoms, a primitive, world-forming substance or the so-called cosmic nebula out of which the world evolved. It was written by Haeckel, a German contemporary of Darwin and also a biologist, naturalist and philosopher. "Life and Matter" is a criticism of Haeckel's work, written by Sir Oliver Lodge, a renowned British physicist living between 1851 and 1940.

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