Monica's Daughter di Patricia Murphy edito da Partridge Singapore
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Monica's Daughter





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Descrizione Monica's Daughter

The book you are about to read is the third part of Monica's Outlaws. Her daughter Paula has the same tendency as her mother. Paula carries on for her mother. Later on she finds that her mother and friend are still alive. The three men that William hired are Monica's men she sent in unbeknown to William. Monica kept in contact with her daughter though Shana. Paula has a very bad hatred for Shana. Paula plot's to get rid of Shana but to no end. Frank, Clem, and Brad, the men that Monica sent in to help Paula, fall to a bad end. Jake and the sheriff, Chad, have a hard time getting them to jail, as always. Jake could not believe that Paula was all that bad. Paula presents herself as being one of the good women of the town. She was welcome wherever she went; nobody knew any different. She was loved by all, even by Captain Ben Fuller. She also fell deeply in love with him. She had his love for a short time. Monica pulled her back in to her way of thinking and they went on a rampage. They kill, rob, torment, and terrorize people everywhere they went. They had a lot of people afraid off them.

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