Mom's Diary - A Glimpse of Growing up in 1940's NYC di Antonetta M. Sessa edito da
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Mom's Diary - A Glimpse of Growing up in 1940's NYC






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Descrizione Mom's Diary - A Glimpse of Growing up in 1940's NYC

From 1944 through 1946, mom kept a diary, recording her daily life experiences as an adolescent growing up in New York City. The diary offers a rare glimpse of growing up in NYC at that time. Along with expressing her typical adolescent frustrations about school and work, the diary offers rare insights into the nature of the times. Entries include references to the 1944 election between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Thomas E. Dewey and a heated school debate on the subject, the death of FDR early in his fourth term, VE Day, the end of World War II and the celebratory neighborhood block parties that followed along with the end of NYC's curfew and the relighting of 42nd St. Mom also frequented the movies of the day and writes about them and her enjoyment of dancing, skating and hanging out with her "gang" of friends. She was also very active in her local church parish and her faith. Mom left us a gift and we are happy to share it with you.

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