Modernity In Health And Disease Diagnosis: The Account From STEM Women edito da Springer International Publishing AG
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Modernity In Health And Disease Diagnosis: The Account From STEM Women





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This book gathers contributions highlighting the role of women in science, with a focus on health and disease. Women have contributed in no small way to the wealth of knowledge and discoveries in various aspects of health. The 21st century has been dubbed the "Knowledge Economy" due to a substantial increase in the accessibility of information, leading individuals to become more knowledgeable and well-rounded. Given the fact that irrespective of the field of study, knowledge eventually decays, more women in the 21st century have been at the forefront extending the frontiers of knowledge in the field of STEMM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Medicine) - engaging in rigorous research and making significant contributions in the field. Letting their voices heard through their well-researched published studies is a significant way of encouraging other upcoming women scientist and bringing advances in disease diagnosis to achieve SDG3. The contributionsin this book aim to increase visibility of women in the field of science and to serve as a source of inspiration to everyone.

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