Models of Holistic Transformation in Luke Acts di Revd. John Yohana Madinda edito da Blessed Hope Publishing
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Models of Holistic Transformation in Luke Acts

Modern Mission with Special Reference to Tanzania in the period between 1974-1990





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Descrizione Models of Holistic Transformation in Luke Acts

In this book the main focus of the study is to look at the models of ¿Holistic Transformation¿ in Luke/Acts. In doing so I use various terms which relate to the concept of Holistic Transformation and Mission in order to create a better understanding, central to all being the word transformation. According to Vinay Samuel (Samuel & Sugden.eds. 1999:0), transformation is ¿to enable God¿s vision of society to be actualised in all relationships, social, economic, and spiritual, so that God¿s will may be reflected in human society and His love be experienced by all communities, especially the poor¿. The focus of Holistic Transformation is the balance between evangelism and transformational development, and it is for that reason that the word Holistic is added, to emphasise the need for the gospel to attend the whole person, body, mind and soul, and the environment surrounding that person which includes the social, cultural, political and economic climate.

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