Modelling of Atmospheric Flow Fields edito da WSPC
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Modelling of Atmospheric Flow Fields







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Descrizione Modelling of Atmospheric Flow Fields

This volume is a collection of lectures given at the two colloquia on atmospheric flows over complex terrain with applications to wind energy and air pollution, organized and sponsored by ICTP in Trieste, Italy. The colloquia were the result of the recognition of the importance of renewable energy sources, an important aspect which grows yearly as the environmental problems become more pronounced and their effects more direct and intense, while at the same time, the wise management of the Earth's evidently limited resources becomes imperative. It is divided into two main parts. The first, which comprises Chaps. 1 to 4, presents the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer with emphasis in the region adjacent to the ground. The second, Chaps. 5 to 10, discusses methods for the numerical computation of the wind field on an arbitrary terrain. The unique feature of this book is that it does not stop at the theoretical exposition of the analytical and numerical techniques but includes a number of codes, in a diskette, where the mechanisms and techniques presented in the main part are implemented and can be run by the reader. Some of the codes are of instructional value while others can be utilized for simple operational work. Some of the lecturers are: D N Asimakopoulos, C I Aspliden, V R Barros, A K Blackadar, G A Dalu, A de Baas, D Etling, G Furlan, D P Lalas, P J Mason, C F Ratto and F B Smith.

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