Mobile Communications System using Stratospheric Platforms di Yasser Albagory edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Mobile Communications System using Stratospheric Platforms

Circular Cell Footprint Analysis and Design





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Descrizione Mobile Communications System using Stratospheric Platforms

In this book, the cell footprint of stratospheric platforms mobile communications system is analyzed and the layout extension is described. The cellular parameters are dependent on the earth surface approximations models where it can be flat or curved especially at lower elevation angle regions. When designing the system coverage, the cell becomes flattened and its eccentricity increases greatly at lower elevation angles as we use circular beams. A technique has been introduced to overcome the broadening of the cells especially at lower elevation angles. This technique is based on the Concentric Circular Arrays where it has been optimized to generate asymmetric beams that provide circular cell footprint at the desired elevation angles.

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