Mistress To A Monster di Sam Crescent edito da Evernight Publishing
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Mistress To A Monster





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Descrizione Mistress To A Monster

For decades, war has raged between the Russo and De Luca families. When Damon De Luca finally brings the head of Russos to his knees, he demands to have Milah Russo at his beck and call. Not as his wife, but as his mistress. Milah will never go to Damon willingly. Caged up in his home, she fights him, but her days are numbered. She may be a Russo, but she belongs to him, and he will do whatever it takes to have and protect her. Determined to survive, Milah refuses to die at the mercy of the De Lucas. When she uncovers her great-aunt's journal, a story of a woman killed by De Luca's grandfather, she cannot believe the revelations inside. Damon breaks down her walls, making it impossible to continue hating him. She doesn't want to give in or fall for him. But what will happen when that monster is no more? When Damon reveals what he feels for her, will Milah continue the Russo tradition of destruction and pain, or will she put an end to their feud once and for all?

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