The Mission to End Slavery di Denis Olasehinde Akinmolasire edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Mission to End Slavery





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Descrizione The Mission to End Slavery

Prejudice, racism, oppression and suffering. These are things that we have all seen and continue to see in the world today. The root of a lot of these injustices can often be found in slavery. A fact not lost on Femi Adebayo, who has often felt that black people have had to fight harder than everyone else due to what he views as the system. Femi stumbles across the mysterious Mr Diggity, who offers him a chance to do something seemingly impossible: to go back in time and stop slavery from happening. Femi rejects Mr Diggity's offer, until after seeing one injustice too many he decides to take him up on it. Join Femi on his quest as he goes back in time to periods of history ranging from 15th-century West Africa, to freeing slaves from the 18th-century slave ship Fredensborg, to joining in rebellions in 19th-century America to facing down the Romans and Julius Caesar. Join Femi Adebayo on his mission to change the world. Join Femi on his Mission to End Slavery.

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