Missiological Triage di Sarah Lunsford edito da Pickwick Publications
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Missiological Triage





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Descrizione Missiological Triage

Most of what we do in missions can be categorized as our missiological methods. As important as our mission methods are, we usually look to the social sciences to guide us, as we seek to find effective and reproducible methods for sharing the gospel and planting churches cross-culturally. The lack of theological reflection on our missiological methods bears consequences. We tend to look to Scripture and theology for our missiological purpose and goals, but we often struggle to know how theology speaks to the social sciences or to our pragmatic methods. The social sciences have contributed to undeniable advances in our methodologies. At the same time, we want our methods to be anchored in our theology and the fruit of our missional efforts to be theologically healthy. Missiological Triage provides a solid foundation for a holistic integration of theology, missiology, and the social sciences, and offers practical steps for applying the social sciences to our mission methods in a theologically faithful manner. Professors and students of missiology, mission leaders, and missionary practitioners will benefit from this framework for theologically analyzing the social sciences in our missiological methods.

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