Missing Saints di Karen K. Mercado edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Missing Saints





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Descrizione Missing Saints

When the Rapture occurs, the entire world will be in a state of panic. The ones left who will have the answers to what is really happening, according to the Bible, will be the ones preoccupied with their own challenges and not so eager to explain what they know out of fear of being captured, persecuted, or executed for their faith in God. Christians will turn into a self-sufficient society because of an inability to buy, sell, or trade, which will result from them refusing the 666 Mark of the Beast. The government will become so big that most people will depend on it and will blame the chaos on the disappearances of Christians. That will fuel the hatred of the ungodly toward the Christians. This book provides hope, according to the teachings of Jesus, to the people who remain after the Rapture. Even when God turns His back on this world, it will not be too late to come to Him, although time will be running out. Some people will successfully find ways to survive in the last days. It will be quite a survival game. Those who have it figured out will use Revelation as a guide to prepare themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. I hope to paint a picture of what the world might look like in a fictional sense so that people can have hope for their future, know what to expect, and know that God still loves every one of us. He wants no man to perish. He came so that we may have life abundantly. What will that mean for the ones left behind?

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