Mischief & Magic: Enchanting Tales Of India di DK edito da Dorling Kindersley Ltd
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Mischief & Magic: Enchanting Tales Of India

DK: Mischief & Magic: Enchanting Tales of India





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Descrizione Mischief & Magic: Enchanting Tales Of India

What mischief and magic will we find today?A naughty bulbul, talking mountains, pesky monkeys, silly goblins, a heavenly elephant, and a king with an unusual problem - every young reader will want to spend their time with these quirky characters. Beautifully illustrated and imaginatively retold, this collection of myths, folk tales, and legends are packed with mischief and magic. From the Katha Sarit Sagara, Rajatarangini, and the Puranas, to oral tales told across generations, these stories come from every corner of the country. Curated and sourced from classic texts and collections of folk tales that date as far back as the 11th century, stories in Mischief & Magic range from the unusual to the familiar. Whether you read them quietly or aloud, they are bound to stir the imagination of every child!

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