The Mirror of Kong Ho di Ernest Bramah edito da Book Jungle
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The Mirror of Kong Ho


Book Jungle





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Descrizione The Mirror of Kong Ho

Ernest Bramah (1868-1942) was an English author. Bramah published 21 books and numerous short stories. His humorous works were ranked with Jerome K Jerome, and W. W. Jacobs; his detective stories with Conan Doyle; his politico-science fiction with H. G. Wells. Bramah was a recluse who refused to allow his public even the slightest glimpse of his private life. We now know that Bramah, real name was Smith. He was a man of erudition and prescience with a unique style of writing that has never been copied. His most famous works are: Four Max Carrados Detective Stories (1914), Kai Lung's Golden Hours (1922), The Mirror of Kong Ho (1905) and The Wallet of Kai Lung (1900). The charming character Kai Lung appears in Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat, Kai Lung's Golden Hours, The Wallet of Kai Lung, Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree, The Mirror of Kong Ho, and The Moon of Much Gladness. Kai Lung is a man of very simple motivations he needs only enough tales to keep himself fed and a bed for the night. The introduction states that this book is, " A lively and amusing collection of letters on western living written by Kong Ho, a Chinese gentleman. These addressed to his homeland, refer to the Westerners in London as barbarians and many of the aids to life in our society give Kong Ho endless food for thought. These are things such as the motor car and the piano; unknown in China at this time."

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