Mirate Como Dios Te Mira di Josh Mcdowell edito da Vida
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Mirate Como Dios Te Mira

Experimenta El Gozo de Ser Tu Mismo = See Yourself as God Sees You







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Descrizione Mirate Como Dios Te Mira

Who are you? Who told you who are you? Do you like what you see? It's not always easy to love and accept yourself for who you really are. Your experience probably has convinced you that your identity is shaped by how you look, how you perform, and what you achieve. But your identity can be reshaped as you come to see yourself as God sees you---no more and no less. Here, in this freshly revised edition of Josh's best-selling book 'His Image, My Image', you will discover the Biblical basis for a healthy self-identity, redefine your self image, learn to embrace God's view that you are loveable, valuable and competent and come to know yourself as God really knows you. Regardless of your past, God sees you for who you really are, and He likes what He sees. That's why He took the extraordinary, self-sacrificing steps to form a relationship with you. Accept that relationship, and experience the true joy of being you!

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