Miracle from the Heart di Irene Sonja Fanane edito da iUniverse
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Miracle from the Heart

A True Mystical Journey of Spiritual Awakening to Find Divinity in the Heart of Self







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Descrizione Miracle from the Heart

Miracle from the Heart shares the story of author Irene Sonja Fanane's journey from a state of religious confusion to one of spiritual awakening and self-empowerment. This illuminating discovery of personal divinity and God unfolds as Irene Sonja opens herself up to telepathic communication with the Voice from beyond and the presence of guides and angels. The book recounts a mystical adventure filled with metaphysical insights, realizations, and descriptions of countless experiences with the other side. It is an inspirational story for those who seek spiritual enlightenment at levels beyond the conventional. The inspired messages of spiritual awakening flow generously from the nonphysical world of unconditional love. They reference the Bible-including the apocalyptic prophecies-and other prophetic sources from around the world. They explain the ever-growing awareness of Christ Consciousness-the recognition and blending of the human mind with the Christ within that is the source of human happiness and fulfillment. Miracle from the Heart offers an urgent message for the current planetary crisis and stresses the importance of understanding universal oneness as the only way to peace.

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