Mind, Brain and Education edito da Springer International Publishing
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Mind, Brain and Education





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Descrizione Mind, Brain and Education

This book, Mind, Brain and Education, comprises selected topics from Neurology and Psychiatry, showing both their common ground and their differences. A special emphasis is given to the role of scientific gathering with the Mind & Brain Congress as a platform for educating younger colleagues and widening their perspectives in the field of both disciplines. With the new discipline of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) and its translation to clinical practice, our long-standing comprehensive approach to the interrelation and bridging of the mind and the brain contributes to a better understanding of this challenging topic. The reader can find new facts showing how diseases are the result of an alteration at the bio-psycho-social level. PNEI provides knowledge about the biological dynamics of conventional medicine and of the importance of lifestyle changes in order to fight disease. Written by experts in the field, the exceptional new approach provided by this book, makes it an innovative tool for spreading new knowledge, and implementing it in everyday clinical practice for the benefit of patients and even more so, to prevent them becoming patients in the first place.

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