Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition di Cristina Sanz edito da Georgetown University Press
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Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition

Methods, Theory, And Practice





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Descrizione Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition

This book presents an overview of contemporary information-processing approaches to second language acquisition. This theoretical approach proposes that people learn languages by applying the brain's general information-processing abilities to language input. This contrasts with generative (Chomskian) theory, which sees the brain as having a dedicated language-processing faculty, not a multipurpose one. This volume brings together in one place an integrated picture of ideas about processing approaches today and applications for language instruction. Designed to be a textbook for graduate-level courses in language learning, second language acquisition, (it grew out of one Sanz herself offered), cognitive/psycholinguistic, and possibly language teacher preparation, it will also be of use to scholars and researchers in second language acquistion and cognitive psychology.

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