Millionaire Selling Secrets di Bacon Brett Bacon, Brett Bacon edito da iUniverse
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Millionaire Selling Secrets

How to Become a Millionaire Now by Using These Ten Simple, Fast, Easy, Proven Secrets of Persuasion!







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Descrizione Millionaire Selling Secrets

Imagine what it would be like to become a self-made millionaire by using these simple, fast, and easy millionaire selling secrets. Would you like to dramatically improve your selling skills? If you are not getting the sales that you want right now and you want to achieve the freedom, respect and security of becoming a self-made millionaire by mastering these millionaire secrets of persuasion, then this book is for you! In this book you will discover how to: Harness the power of assumption to achieve your personal and financial goals. Discover passion in your work. Ask smart questions to achieve incredible success. Embrace objections and turn them into sales. Build instant rapport, trust, and credibility with your customers. Eliminate the stress of rejection in sales. Help your customers to enjoy a better life. Make more money faster with Millionaire Selling Secrets™. All self-made millionaires have one thing in common, they use the secrets of persuasion found in this book. Now you can discover their secrets for the first time. Would you like to sell your way to becoming a millionaire? Then get started today!

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