The Millionaire Mindset di Carlos Garcia-Carranza, Dr Carlos Garcia-Carranza edito da Iuniverse
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The Millionaire Mindset

Is A Conditioned Reflex







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Descrizione The Millionaire Mindset

If you find that you do not have enough money at the end of the month to cover your bills; if you are behind on your house payments; or if you have less than $5,000 in your savings account, you need a solution. Effortlessly achieve success using the psychological method of operant conditioning and the redefined law of attraction. There is no better person to learn these secrets from than Dr. Garcia-Carranza, who is addicted to success. In this book, you'll discover: Misconceptions concerning the mystical nature of the law of attraction. A clear explanation of how the law of attraction really works. How society conditions people to fail. And what you can do about all this to ensure your success! By simple operant conditioning, you can become a success junkie. It's as simple as understanding the world in which you live and training a gland in your brain called the hypothalamus to work overtime. As it produces more neurological peptides and amino acids, you will be on your way to being an overachiever with The Millionaire Mindset.

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