Migration-A Consequence of Color di J. Murray edito da iUniverse
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Migration-A Consequence of Color

Book 1: Beginnings







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Descrizione Migration-A Consequence of Color

In the year 2049, a Venezuelan drug kingpin deliberately starts a conflict that threatens the soul of the United States by embroiling it in a civil race war, allowing him to gain more US territory and more clients. African American citizens are purposely pitted against whites in a tale of survival with only the kingpin coming out on top. As racially motivated violence escalates throughout the country, there are few choices for Calvin Tobias Jackson, the second African American president of the United States, who is desperately searching for a way to ensure the survival of the nation and of its people. Among those who may offer help are a group of Special Forces soldiers outfitted with technology allowing them to vanish in any terrain; Kareem Toussaint, a teenage genius with an IQ higher than Einstein's; Jessica Walters, a reporter being swept up into the moral dilemma of reporting the truth as she sees it; Xavier Greyson, a billionaire businessman looking to protect his DC neighborhoods; and Stacy Williams, a single mother recovering from domestic abuse. But help may also be coming from an unlikely source-the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Set in the near future, this novel depicts a nation in the throes of civil race war as a handful of African American heroes work to end the violence.

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