Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012 di Gaoheng Zhang edito da UNIV OF TORONTO PR
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Migration and the Media: Debating Chinese Migration to Italy, 1992-2012

Debating Chinese Migration To Italy, 1992-2012





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The first book to analyse cultural dynamics of Chinese migration to Italy, Migration and the Media compares Italian, Chinese migrant, and international media interpretations between 1992 and 2012. From paternalistic tones reducing migrants' motives to poverty or political oppression to fear-mongering diatribes about illegal business practices, tax evasion, and unfair competition, the Italian and international media covered this large-scale migration extensively during this period. The Chinese community also joined in the media polyphony with articles in their own newspapers and magazines, more likely refuting biased mainstream media coverage or protesting the harsh regulations that seemed to target the Chinese, but sometimes even advising fellow migrants on how to counter the media's criticism.

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