Methodology of Vehicle to Child Pedestrian/Cyclist Collision Tests di Zuzana Schejbalová edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Methodology of Vehicle to Child Pedestrian/Cyclist Collision Tests

Full Scale Tests & Evaluation





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Descrizione Methodology of Vehicle to Child Pedestrian/Cyclist Collision Tests

This book deals with passsive safety with respect to child pedestrian and cyclist. Author¿s effort was aimed at research of methodology of passive safety testing of vulnerable road users regarding to children population as a continuous research initiated in dissertation thesis. Related to the fact that current legal certification procedure concerning children passive safety is based on child head form test only, several series of dynamical passive safety tests of vehicle M1 category collision with child dummy P6 were performed. The dummy was modified according to non-standard data acquisition demands related to body regions. The subject of the research in this thesis is proposal and implementation of full-scale tests matrix, consequently the biomechanical load distribution analysis, the sensitivity analysis with regard to variability of initial conditions and vehicle type. For the purpose of a pedestrian recognition, a vehicle response to contact with a pedestrian/cyclist was detected and the system limitation was formulated.

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