Methane Emissions from Unique Wetlands in China di Huaiyu Chen, Ning Wu, Changhui Peng, Yanfen Wang edito da De Gruyter
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Methane Emissions from Unique Wetlands in China

Case Studies, Meta Analyses and Modelling


De Gruyter





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Methane Emissions from Unique Wetlands in China: Case Studies, Meta Analyses and Modelling is a landmark volume in the development of studies about methane emission from wetlands. Although there are books about methane emissions from rice paddies, natural wetlands and reservoirs, this book is the first one that provides information about methane emission from wetlands in China. Moreover, the book picks up very unique wetlands, alpine wetlands on the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and Three Gorges Reservoir (the world's largest hydroelectric reservoir) as cases to study methane emissions. It reviews and meta-analyses methane emissions from rice paddies, natural wetlands and lakes in China during the past twenty years. Furthermore, this book acts as bridge to connect microbial ecology and modelling: it both describes methane-producing bacteria dynamics and methane emission modelling.

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