The Metal Detecting Bible di Brandon Neice edito da Ulysses Press
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The Metal Detecting Bible

Helpful Tips, Expert Tricks And Insider Secrets For Finding Hidden Treasures





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Descrizione The Metal Detecting Bible

Get started with metal detecting or improve your treasure hunting skills with the ultimate A-to-Z guide revealing everything you need to know to become a metal-detecting expert.Nothing is as thrilling as finding cool (and often valuable) stuff right under your feet. So grab this guide and get ready to dig up more and more finds. Packed with helpful information on making your search successful and exciting, The Metal Detecting Bible serves up step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and useful photos that can turn you into a professional treasure hunter. From quick-start tips for novices to insider secrets for the most experienced hobbyists, this hands-on guide is the ultimate resource on all aspects of metal detecting. • Choose the best metal detector • Learn where to search and why • Practice appropriate swing techniques • Integrate advanced GPS technology • Scout out beaches, parks and historic sites • Gain permission to hunt on private property • Identify antique coins, relics and jewelry • Use handy target recovery tools • Clean and safely preserve your finds • Sell your finds for a profit

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