Messy Marvyn & Friends di Cheryl M Charles edito da Messy Marvyn & Friends
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Messy Marvyn & Friends

Grumpy Grace & The Christmas Concert





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Descrizione Messy Marvyn & Friends

Grumpy Grace is one of the loveable characters in the Messy Marvyn & Friends series. So far, Grace has been the quiet and grumpy friend in the background, but now Grace is supposed to be centre stage, and she's not happy about this turn of events. It's Christmas time, and everyone around her is caught up in the holiday spirit. Grace's day starts with a fall, and then it goes downhill from there. She realizes that she is a lucky little girl who has the love of her family and friends, and yet Grace feels grumpy. She just can't get into the joyous festivities of the season. Will Grace figure out what is causing her to feel gloomy and grumpy? Will she rise to the occasion and find her inner star? Read along to find out.

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