Merci, Bonjour and Much More: How Art Became One Man's Passion in France di Kyle Griesman edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Merci, Bonjour and Much More: How Art Became One Man's Passion in France

How art became one man's passion in France







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Descrizione Merci, Bonjour and Much More: How Art Became One Man's Passion in France

In September 1998 Kyle Griesman departed for Paris. Six years and eight European trips later, his life has been drastically altered. Interspersed with his irreverent and unapologetic humor, Merci, Bonjour and More chronicles two of these sojourns to France. You'll experience how it feels to be stranded in a tunnel on a Paris subway train alone in the dark. Kyle explains why he never carries large denominations of cash. It seems no one can make change for you. You'll see what it's like being evacuated from your hotel room in the middle of the night due to a fire. Among others, you'll meet an 87 year old woman in Normandy who befriended Kyle while painting on a cold windy day in her village. He introduces us to a group of artists that he painted with and roamed the Normandy countryside with. While turning obstacle after obstacle into adventures he embraces the people, the culture, and the wonders of France.

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€ 18.50
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