Mental Retardation with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children di Talla Anitha Reddy, Duvvuru Jamuna edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Mental Retardation with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children

Psycho-educational Interventions





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Over the many decades the importance of Psychoeducational intervention playing significantly vital role in treating children having mental retardation with autism spectrum disorders. This book provides an overview of the state of current scientific knowledge on the prevalence, prevention and treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders, and examines the problems encountered in providing the comprehensive approach that is needed to make them part of main stream of the society. Also it provides the impact of psycho-educational interventions on depressive symptoms of mothers of young children with autism or related disorders. It¿s a modest effort by the author to bring down the practical and advanced aspects on autism spectrum disorders and help the readers in understanding the concepts of and therapeutic approaches in handling problems of children with autism spectrum disorders.

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