Memories From Home di Linda Weiss edito da iUniverse
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Memories From Home

Cooking With Family & Friends







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Descrizione Memories From Home

The recipes in this book are from my mother, grandmothers, family and friends as well as those used in my cooking classes and television programs. In this cookbook, I am also printing the recipes (kept secret until now) that I have used in my personal chef and baking business. The book title, Memories From Home is the result of something my dad said to me when an article that I had written about my grandmother appeared on an entire page in my hometown paper. He said, "you sure brought back a lot of good memories for me." And, I knew that was it, it had to be Memories From Home! Thanks Daddy! I love you. Since I have been writing for some years now I've included stories about my childhood and stories of growing up in the place that I love the most, the south! There is no place like it on earth. And, if you were lucky enough to be born here, or live here now, you will understand what I mean! It is a world of gracious living, and wonderful kind people. Enjoy, my friends.

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