Memories from the Heart di Francie Rossi edito da iUniverse
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Memories from the Heart

Family, Love, and Survival







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Descrizione Memories from the Heart

Memories from the Heart: Family, Love, and Survival presents an inspiring collection of memories recalling author Francie Rossi's life from birth to age seventeen. She describes her medical challenges in "Helen Keller and I," considering her role as the eleventh of twelve children in her large, loving family. "Sent Away to Las Vegas" shares unique personal stories in which faith, family, and love always prevail. "My Last Clothing Embarrassment" and "Fifteen/40" explores financial struggles, yet inspire humor and tenacity. "Dinner at My Friend's House" and "Family Night" compare the calamity of a smaller family living in a larger house to Francie's situation-a large family's love and laughter contained in a small house. Rossi alludes to an athletic adolescent with an eating disorder, and provides personal tips in a trio of stories, while "A Whole New World" expresses the strong connection between her and her mother. Finally, "My Diagnosis" reverberates like a sentence after a guilty verdict. Rossi's memories in this collection are vibrant; sprinkled with a dash of humor as she displays persistence and continues to live a life most people can only imagine in a large, boisterous family.

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