Memoirs of a Father and Son prison letters,stories,and poems di Tony Watson edito da
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Memoirs of a Father and Son prison letters,stories,and poems






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Descrizione Memoirs of a Father and Son prison letters,stories,and poems

This book is dedicated to my father Jerome Williams. This book is a combination of the writings of my father and mine. A collection of poems, letters, and stories. These poems and letters are true work of both authors and the stories I wrote are pure and positive imagination. This is a rare collaboration of its kind because my father had life in the Maryland State Penitentiary and wrote his poems before he passed on. And me his son was incarcerated in a Federal prison in Allenwood, Pennsylvania where my writing began. Although both of us were incarcerated in different states; ironically we wrote on some of the same subjects but different titles. I don't know if it's hereditary or just a freak incident. But growing up I have always heard people say, "Like father, like son." So please enjoy this extraordinary book by father and son. Which will share some of our deepest thoughts, emotions, and experiences through our writings in the plight of our incarceration?

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