Medicine, Health, And Healing In The Ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE-600 CE) di Kristi Upson-Saia, Heidi Marx, Jared Secord edito da University Of California Press
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Medicine, Health, And Healing In The Ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE-600 CE)

A Sourcebook





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Libro Medicine, Health, And Healing In The Ancient Mediterranean (500 BCE-600 CE) di Kristi Upson-Saia, Heidi Marx, Jared Secord

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"This book will be a valuable primer to ancient healing as well as a primary sourcebook for students and scholars in a variety of disciplines."--Andrew Crislip, author of Thorns in the Flesh: Illness and Sanctity in Early Christianity "Ancient Mediterranean medical texts have shaped community and public health, religion, and social determinants of wellness across disciplines and into modern practices. This long-awaited sourcebook, a therapeutic bag of salutary treasures, addresses these topics with fresh translations, essays, and images. A welcome, practical tool for students, researchers, and anyone curious about the history of medical humanities and evidence-based healing."--Susan R. Holman, John R. Eckrich Chair and Professor of Religion and the Healing Arts, Valparaiso University

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